Tag Archives: wine tasting


I was disappointed with myself when I missed last week’s segment. It’s one of the first times I put a run ahead of an article. For some reason, I felt a need to get out there and hit the road. … Continue reading

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Eighteen subscribers short of one thousand on my YouTube channel! I’m getting close guys. It seems to have slowed down somewhat recently. Like they say, a watched pot never boils. I just have to be patient and continue to reach … Continue reading

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One of the reasons I started this segment was the idea that if I put somewhat random thoughts on a page, it would make it easier to complete the task of doing it weekly. I have been on a roll … Continue reading

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This past week has been quite eventful. I took my wife to the airport, so she could catch the plane to the U.K. and hang with her friends (I’m quite sure she would put that differently). I had a private … Continue reading

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