I can’t believe it has been so long since I posted anything on this blog. What’s wrong with me? Believe it or not, I have loads of information to share with all of you. I love to write, so it’s about time I get busy doing just that.

I’m about to change my studio for my YouTube channel once again. This will be studio number six if you need to know. I have been shooting episodes in a barn/shop loft just down the driveway from my house. I’ve got my bar in the back of the garage, and it’s time for me to start filming there. I think it will be fun for my audience to follow along as I prepare the studio in stages. It’s a little rough right now, but I have some ideas about what to do with the background. It will be a process, but having my studio closer to where I live will be better. It will help me to be more consistent with episodes. It takes some time for me to haul things down to the shop, climb the stairs to the loft and get things set up for a shoot. If you remember, I shot several episodes in a garage about nine years ago. Tempus Fugit!

We are fast approaching March, the original Washington Wine Month. I, of course, support this and will be reviewing a number of Washington Wines on my channel. At some point, they threw in August as an additional WA Wine Month. I really believe one is enough, don’t you? At any rate, it’s always interesting to find gems from our great wine-producing state. With the studio being easily accessible, I should be able to get a few more episodes out there in March.

I will begin working on an article about the recent downward trend in wine consumption in the United States and other countries. I believe that this trend can be reversed if we understand why it is happening. I have deep feelings about why this is happening, especially with the younger crowd. We all know the ready-to-drink cocktail and hard seltzer categories have taken a chunk of wine sales. However, there are other reasons that I would like to elaborate on in the article.

I really appreciate all of you who continue to follow me despite my lack of content lately. My YouTube channel continues to grow, and I get new subscribers each month to this blog. Thanks for your support, I promise to make it worth your while. Recently, I uploaded an episode featuring a blind tasting, pitting old-world GSM blends against new-world GSM blends. It’s interesting to see which came out on top. I also put out an episode featuring Malbec from Argentina. I’ve noticed a decline in sales of Malbec and address that issue in this episode. My next episode will be shot in the garage studio (in its rough stage), where I will review wines made from the Corvina grape. This grape shines in northeast Italy and is one of the main components of the famous Amarone wines that come out of this part of Italy. I hope you can check it out and follow me as I turn my studio into what I want it to be. I have some ideas and will start on them immediately. It will be a fun and challenging endeavor.

Recently, I got shingles, something I’ve never experienced before. Because of this, Susie thought we needed to go away and relax in the sun. The shingles have gone away, but one thing that can cause them is stress. With all the things I try to accomplish, stress is bound to rear its ugly head. I am thankful to have Susie in my life; she looks out for me. We will soon be off to a sunny location to enjoy some serious relaxation. It won’t be a long trip, but it should do the trick. No more shingles please.


Stan The Wine Man

About Stan The Wine Man

I am a blue collar wine guy who has been in the biz for over twenty years. I work at a store in a tourist destination stop. I work hard at finding the best wine for the money. I love the challenge of learning my customer's palate so I can find the best wine for them, whether it is Petrus or white zinfandel. Cheers!
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