I want to thank all of you who rallied to my side to get me over one thousand subscribers on my YouTube channel. You guys are awesome! Now, I have to figure out how to get my viewers to watch my episodes longer than 4 minutes. That’s the average time most take to watch. I get it because most of us, including myself, have short attention spans. I need a hook of some sort to get you to watch to the end. The reason you ask? I must garner three thousand viewer hours in a year before YouTube pays me for advertising on my channel. This past year was a little rough for me since I moved and then went on vacation. There was a three-month span when I put no content out on my channel. That’s a lot of viewer hours lost. I don’t expect you to care that much if I get paid for what I do on YouTube, but for those of you who like to support what I do, please watch my episodes longer than three minutes. I’ll try harder to engage your attention!

This week, we are doing a beer case reset. It’s always a big chore to weed out the slower-moving items and find the right packages to replace them with. We must expand the RTD section (ready-to-drink cocktails). This is a huge category and I believe it will continue to grow. Believe it or not, hard seltzers are starting to slow down in sales. White Claw is still the big ticket in this category, but even that brand has slowed down. I think we can weed out quite a few items there. Hard ciders are slowly picking up, but I don’t believe they will ever dominate the market, at least in our area of the world. This is partly because we have a fairly large group of people in our community who make their own hard ciders. And, they do a damn good job! There are some very good new craft beers coming out to the market, so I am looking forward to giving our beer case a facelift.

I would like any input you would like to give me on future YouTube content for my channel. I have an interesting segment coming soon. Aside from a blind “Carmenere vs. Cab Franc episode, I would like to review the top-selling three wines in each of my sections at Kings that are under twenty dollars. As an example, I will try three of my top-selling Chards under twenty bucks. Then on to Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, red blends, Zinfandel….You get the picture. It will be fun to educate myself as to why they are so popular. It will be mostly about understanding what these wines deliver that attracts the customer, aside from the price point. I work very hard at finding wines that deliver at a fair price. The more I understand my customer’s palates the better I get at finding the wines that they will enjoy.


Stan The Wine Man

About Stan The Wine Man

I am a blue collar wine guy who has been in the biz for over twenty years. I work at a store in a tourist destination stop. I work hard at finding the best wine for the money. I love the challenge of learning my customer's palate so I can find the best wine for them, whether it is Petrus or white zinfandel. Cheers!
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