I was disappointed with myself when I missed last week’s segment. It’s one of the first times I put a run ahead of an article. For some reason, I felt a need to get out there and hit the road. I know it’s not the end of the world to miss a self-appointed writing assignment, but I love running and writing equally. I chose running (if you can call it that) last week. However, I’m back at it and happy to be in front of my computer banging away at the keyboard.

Another Fourth Of July has come and gone. What a crazy week it was! When you have a holiday like the Fourth and the weather couldn’t have been better, it’s a recipe for big crowds and lots of business. In case you were not aware, sunny days on a holiday are hard on the restaurants. Many people stock up for picnics rather than go to a restaurant to eat. I’m sure they were busy, but not nearly as much if it had rained. However, as the sun fades away, dinner time is busier for the eating establishments than lunch. Don’t worry about them, I’m sure they were busy enough for their staffs.

Wine sales are interesting when the suns shines and it’s warm outside. As you might suspect, red wine sales slow down quite a bit and Rose’ and white wine sales go through the roof. As for myself, I was glad to see Rose’ fly out the door. I have plenty of it at the store in anticipation of Rose’ season. It took awhile for the sun to come out on a consistent basis, but we finally got there. The top categories in white wine sales this year were… Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris and of course, Chardonnay, although Chardonnay brought up the rear.

Rose’ is a funny wine for a couple reasons. Number one, is the idea that it shouldn’t be drunk unless it’s warm outside. Really? I’m not kidding you. If it’s not warm, Rose’ comes to a stop. Now, to be fair, there are people like me who don’t give a rat’s ass what the weathers like. We drink Rose’ year-round. Number two. If Rose’ isn’t a light salmon color, it doesn’t sell as well. This is interesting, because some of the best Rose’ out there is darker in color. Rose’ from Tavel or Bandol tend to be a darker hue. It could be that they are a bit more expensive than many of the others, but let me tell you that they are more complex, they are dry and they are simply memorable in most cases. If you are one of those people that insists that your Rose’ has to be light in color, I challenge you to at least give one of the aforementioned Rose’s a try. You might disagree with me, but that’s okay. At least you won’t be in the dark about darker Rose’.

I’m working on an article about Rose’ and putting out a YouTube video featuring some of my personal go-to Rose’s for this year. Make sure to check it out, it should be available to watch soon. Also on my channel “Stan The Wine Man TV” I’ve been doing a series on the top-selling wines under twenty bucks in each category of wines. For instance, I’ve covered Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Zinfandel and Pinot Noir. It’s very interesting for me to see what it is about a wine that brings people back for more. Check them out if you get a chance.


Stan The Wine Man

About Stan The Wine Man

I am a blue collar wine guy who has been in the biz for over twenty years. I work at a store in a tourist destination stop. I work hard at finding the best wine for the money. I love the challenge of learning my customer's palate so I can find the best wine for them, whether it is Petrus or white zinfandel. Cheers!
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