Tag Archives: cabernet sauvignon


I was disappointed with myself when I missed last week’s segment. It’s one of the first times I put a run ahead of an article. For some reason, I felt a need to get out there and hit the road. … Continue reading

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My wife is off to her homeland tomorrow. I’ll miss her of course, but I’m glad she will be spending time with her friends and doing the things she loves. I hope to get some things done at home while … Continue reading

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We are getting ever so close to Christmas, which means a lot of wine shoppers will be looking for hearty reds to go with their prime rib or a solid Pinot Noir to enjoy with their Christmas ham. I honestly … Continue reading

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It was interesting observing purchasing trends during Thanksgiving. No matter how many years I’ve been involved in the wine world, each year has its uniqueness and surprises. For instance, I read an article about a downward trend in wine purchasing … Continue reading

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