From here on out, I’m going to focus very seriously on this blog. I’ve checked out how many people are reading my articles and if I had a big ego, it would most certainly be deflated. This piece has helped me to have some consistency in my writing. However, I must remember that my readers expect more from me than random thoughts. Education is key and I must concentrate on writing some meaningful articles that are educational. I’m not talking stuffy content; I’m talking about interesting and informative material. I will finish my Rose’ article this week and go from there. The wine world is so complex and layered. That’s why there are copious books and articles about it. I would love to simplify the subject so that even the wine newbie can feel comfortable talking about wine.

I often offer myself up for auction, for organizations that are trying to raise money. The event that is auctioned is a private tasting for up to eight people with Stan The Wine Man. I’ve done several over the years and they have all been a blast. Recently I did one of these events and there were seven teachers in the group. Some still working and some retired. They have been friends for years and get together whenever they can. It so happens that this year they decided to come visit their friend in the San Juan Islands. That friend, knowing they were coming up, bid on me at a fundraiser and won the event. I had a great time with the group, educating and helping them understand the wines they were presented. The presentation was “What is the wine in your glass worth.” They tasted five wines in the blind format and had to decide which wines were the less expensive and which wines demanded a higher price. Of course, I never make it easy, so they had to work at it. Needless to say they all had fun and learned a little more about the wine world.

I’ve been running a series on my YouTube channel featuring three wines from each varietal or category that are my top sellers at the store for under twenty dollars. They have been well received, but I was shocked to see how many viewed the one featuring Pinot Noir! Four thousand six hundred views as of today. That’s insane! What I’ve learned from that is the subject matter is most important. Obviously, Pinot Noir under twenty bucks piqued many people’s interest. The others have only garnered just over one hundred views each. One has to really think about how to present the subject matter. The title is important of course, but most important is the content. I have many episodes that have thousands of views, so I look back to see what it is about them that draws people to watch. However, someone I have great respect for said, one is better than none. I am grateful to have people out there who enjoy what I am doing on YouTube. Next on the docket is refreshing white wines to beat the heat. How will that one do? I will find out. If you have any suggestions, email them to me and I will try to include them in upcoming episodes.


Stan The Wine Man

About Stan The Wine Man

I am a blue collar wine guy who has been in the biz for over twenty years. I work at a store in a tourist destination stop. I work hard at finding the best wine for the money. I love the challenge of learning my customer's palate so I can find the best wine for them, whether it is Petrus or white zinfandel. Cheers!
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