Tag Archives: pinot gris


In my line of work, there are a lot of important decisions to make. How much wine to purchase to get the department through a week of sales without ordering too much or not enough. Making sure there is enough … Continue reading

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It’s been quite the spring so far. It started off with good weather and then it went the opposite direction; cool and wet. Memorial Day weekend was a bit of a wash as far as business goes due to the … Continue reading

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My wife is off to her homeland tomorrow. I’ll miss her of course, but I’m glad she will be spending time with her friends and doing the things she loves. I hope to get some things done at home while … Continue reading

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March is Washington Wine Month, so I will be focusing on Washington wines for my YouTube channel episodes. In fact, my first episode is live, featuring white blends. I tried the white from Sage Rat Winery for the first time. … Continue reading

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