Tag Archives: red blends


I want to thank all of you who rallied to my side to get me over one thousand subscribers on my YouTube channel. You guys are awesome! Now, I have to figure out how to get my viewers to watch … Continue reading

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Last month was productive for me on YouTube. March is the original Washington State Wine Month and at first, I thought I would do a couple of episodes featuring Washington Wines. As it turned out, every episode in March featured … Continue reading

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In a week’s time, I taste a boatload of wine (seriously). A lot of my friends think I’m lucky. Well, they’re right and I wouldn’t give this job up for the world. The only thing that makes my job hard, … Continue reading

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In a weeks time, I taste a boatload of wine (seriously). I lot of my friends think I’m lucky. Well, they’re right, and I wouldn’t give this job up for the world. The only thing that makes my job hard, … Continue reading

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