Tag Archives: Weekly Reviews


We are about to embark on another summer in the San Juan Islands. For Scott and I, it means about ten weeks of close your eyes and get it done. In our wine department it isn’t just about the volume … Continue reading

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Eighteen subscribers short of one thousand on my YouTube channel! I’m getting close guys. It seems to have slowed down somewhat recently. Like they say, a watched pot never boils. I just have to be patient and continue to reach … Continue reading

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In a week’s time, I taste a boatload of wine (seriously). A lot of my friends think I’m lucky. Well, they’re right and I wouldn’t give this job up for the world. The only thing that makes my job hard, … Continue reading

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In a week’s time, I taste a boatload of wine (seriously). A lot of my friends think I’m lucky. Well, they’re right and I wouldn’t give this job up for the world. The only thing that makes my job hard, … Continue reading

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