I’ve been watching a few YouTubers who review and teach about wines on their channel and an interesting theme has developed that I’ve never given very much thought to. Or maybe I’ve avoided giving it much thought. How much does personal preference influence our judgement of a wine? It would be easy to say that we taste a wine objectively. That we simply look at its elements to make sure all the pieces fit in a good way and the wine is as I like to say… “Well built.” However, I’ve noticed some of these Youtubers openly saying that personal preference cannot be avoided when judging a wine. That bothers me just a bit. I understand what they are driving at, and transparency is always preferred above all else. The question is, can we train ourselves to be objective to the point where personal preference takes a backseat to objectivity?

A true test here is understanding what it is that makes a wine well-made or not. Can I taste a wine that I don’t personally enjoy and still realize that it is a well-made wine? That all the elements are in place? My first experience with this came when I was tasting a wine from a local winemaker (local meaning in the San Juan Islands). He had made red wine using fruit from Red Mountain in Washington State. Now, Red Mountain is my favorite Washington State appellation and most wines from this region strike a happy chord with my pallet. However, this particular red was nothing like any Red Mountain wine I had tasted up to that time. I simply did not like it personally. At first, I gave it a thumbs down. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I was letting personal preference guide my thinking rather than analyzing the wine for what it was intended to be. So, I tried it again with a completely different setpoint, trying my best to be objective. I knew the winemaker had a preference for European style wines. He made this red with that mind frame. That is a hard thing to do with fruit from Red Mountain, which usually attributes big fruit and structure to wines that come from this area. This particular winemaker found a way to make a Bordeaux style red from Red Mountain, complete with rust, pencil lead and earth. Once I tasted it with that viewpoint in mind, I was able to divorce myself from personal preference and analyze the wine for what it was. That was a big turning point in my career. Was it a wine I would buy for myself? Probably not. That did not mean it wasn’t well-made, so I was able to taste it objectively and that is something I’ve tried to do since that time.

Have you ever heard someone say that a type of wine deserves more respect? This is an interesting statement. I actually don’t agree with it. Would it be more appropriate to say a wine deserves more attention? The saying that a wine deserves more respect may be a misnomer. Many people do not know what a certain varietal is, therefore, they ignore it when shopping for a wine. Respect and attention are entirely different concepts. As a critic or student of wine, all varietals get my respect, but not all get my attention. A classic example of respect over attention is Chardonnay. The casual wine drinker may be influenced by negative connotations that they’ve heard about Chardonnay from their peers. Therefore, they jump on the bandwagon of ABC (anything but Chardonnay). Is that a respect issue or peer pressure? Honestly, there are people out there who have never given Chardonnay a chance. Is that lack of respect or simple ignorance? Maybe, just maybe, they should give it more attention. If they did so, they may find that there are examples of Chardonnay that they like. It’s not that they didn’t respect it, they just never gave it any attention. I’m sure there are people out there who show a lack of respect for a certain varietal and there is a simple term for them… Wine snobs. However, the general public does not disrespect a type of wine, they just don’t give it their attention.


Stan The Wine Man

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Enigma: Something hard to understand or explain. A mystery, problem, puzzle or riddle.

Why would I use such a word in conjunction with Rose’? Here is where my brain is going with this. It’s hard to understand or explain why Rose’ is only popular when the sun shines. That is a mystery to me, it puzzles me. Riddle me this… What is pink and matches with yellow? Think about it. From earth, the sun appears to be yellow and when it comes out, the pink comes out of the fridge. It’s a bit of a stretch I know, but it is true. Rose’ for most people is considered a warm weather wine. The proof is in the sales, at least in my department. To be fair, there are a minority of people like me, that drink the pink year-round. However, we are the exception and I would like to understand why.

I think one of the main reasons is that Rose’ is lumped in with white wine. Yes, it’s refreshing when cold and certainly helps to make a hot day more tolerable. One of the best analogies I’ve heard is comparing white wine or Rose’ with beer. Most people don’t give a second thought to cracking open a beer in February when the Superbowl is on or any other time during the fall and winter months. Why is it okay to drink beer year-round but not Rose’? I know a lot of you are not beer drinkers, but the point should not be lost on that. Beer is accepted as a beverage that can be consumed any time of the year. White wine and Rose’ not so much; especially Rose’.

We’ve had a wonderful streak of warm weather this July in the area I live in. As expected, Rose’ sales have flourished. I can almost guarantee that on the first cool, wet day, sales of Rose’ will slump. What can I do to convince you to make Rose’ a part of your wine purchasing no matter what time of the year it is or what the weather is like? The most important factor in my mind is its ability to pair with so many different types of food.

Yes, Rose’ is a great porch pounder, but it is so much more. Just think of all the food pairings that Rose’ is capable of. Pork, chicken, salads, salmon, white fish, shellfish, noodle bowls, ham and so much more! It is one wine that can go with so many different dishes. Yet so many wine drinkers get stuck on the warm sunny day pairing and miss out on the food pairing ability of this amazing wine. The styles of Rose’ are also diverse, which makes it an even more interesting wine.

Rose’ can be made in four different ways. The winery can use the free -run juice that comes off the grapes at first press. Not a lot of color comes out, then they use the rest of the grapes for the varietal they are making. This is referred to as the direct pressing method. The second is called “limited skin maceration.” This method is used if the winemaker wants the grapes to be dedicated to rose’. Before pressing the grapes, they allow skin contact anywhere from two hours to 48 hours, depending on what color they are trying to achieve. The grapes are then pressed creating a rose’. The left-over skins are tossed. A third way to make rose’ is the Saignee method. Saignee in French loosely means to bleed. After a period of maceration (usually 2-6 hours), some juice is removed from the skins to make Rose’ and the rest of the grapes are used to give more concentration to the varietal that they are to be used for. For instance, a winemaker intends to make red Grenache. He or she will bleed off some of the juice for a Rose’ and the rest of the grapes are blended in with other Grenache to give it more concentration. Two wines for the price of one so to speak. The fourth method is blending red wine and white wine to create a Rose’. This is not allowed in Europe except for the making of Rose’ Champagne. It’s not the most popular way of making Rose’ in the States, but I’m sure some wineries still do it.

Dedicating the grapes to the making of Rose’ is what most consider the best method for making quality Rose’. Of course, you will rarely see on any label the method used to make the Rose’. I believe that what is in the bottle is what counts no matter how it is produced. If you like it, then by all means buy it and enjoy it. However, don’t wait until the warm weather arrives. Treat Rose’ like any other wine and pair it with the food you are eating. Also, in my opinion, Rose’ is enjoyable while you sit in your cozy house watching the snow fall outside. The sun does not need to shine for Rose’ to shine, just saying.

If you get a chance, watch one of my recent episodes on my YouTube channel where I review a few of my favorites in the pink category. I also encourage you to watch my interview with Ashley Trout the winemaker and owner at Brook & Bull Winery in Washington State. She goes into great detail about her approach to the making of Rose’ and how tricky it can be.

I would like you to consider making Rose’ a big part of your wine drinking experience year-round. You will be pleasantly surprised with its versatility when it comes to food pairing and how enjoyable it can be on a cold night in the Fall or Winter.


Stan The Wine Man

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From here on out, I’m going to focus very seriously on this blog. I’ve checked out how many people are reading my articles and if I had a big ego, it would most certainly be deflated. This piece has helped me to have some consistency in my writing. However, I must remember that my readers expect more from me than random thoughts. Education is key and I must concentrate on writing some meaningful articles that are educational. I’m not talking stuffy content; I’m talking about interesting and informative material. I will finish my Rose’ article this week and go from there. The wine world is so complex and layered. That’s why there are copious books and articles about it. I would love to simplify the subject so that even the wine newbie can feel comfortable talking about wine.

I often offer myself up for auction, for organizations that are trying to raise money. The event that is auctioned is a private tasting for up to eight people with Stan The Wine Man. I’ve done several over the years and they have all been a blast. Recently I did one of these events and there were seven teachers in the group. Some still working and some retired. They have been friends for years and get together whenever they can. It so happens that this year they decided to come visit their friend in the San Juan Islands. That friend, knowing they were coming up, bid on me at a fundraiser and won the event. I had a great time with the group, educating and helping them understand the wines they were presented. The presentation was “What is the wine in your glass worth.” They tasted five wines in the blind format and had to decide which wines were the less expensive and which wines demanded a higher price. Of course, I never make it easy, so they had to work at it. Needless to say they all had fun and learned a little more about the wine world.

I’ve been running a series on my YouTube channel featuring three wines from each varietal or category that are my top sellers at the store for under twenty dollars. They have been well received, but I was shocked to see how many viewed the one featuring Pinot Noir! Four thousand six hundred views as of today. That’s insane! What I’ve learned from that is the subject matter is most important. Obviously, Pinot Noir under twenty bucks piqued many people’s interest. The others have only garnered just over one hundred views each. One has to really think about how to present the subject matter. The title is important of course, but most important is the content. I have many episodes that have thousands of views, so I look back to see what it is about them that draws people to watch. However, someone I have great respect for said, one is better than none. I am grateful to have people out there who enjoy what I am doing on YouTube. Next on the docket is refreshing white wines to beat the heat. How will that one do? I will find out. If you have any suggestions, email them to me and I will try to include them in upcoming episodes.


Stan The Wine Man

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I was disappointed with myself when I missed last week’s segment. It’s one of the first times I put a run ahead of an article. For some reason, I felt a need to get out there and hit the road. I know it’s not the end of the world to miss a self-appointed writing assignment, but I love running and writing equally. I chose running (if you can call it that) last week. However, I’m back at it and happy to be in front of my computer banging away at the keyboard.

Another Fourth Of July has come and gone. What a crazy week it was! When you have a holiday like the Fourth and the weather couldn’t have been better, it’s a recipe for big crowds and lots of business. In case you were not aware, sunny days on a holiday are hard on the restaurants. Many people stock up for picnics rather than go to a restaurant to eat. I’m sure they were busy, but not nearly as much if it had rained. However, as the sun fades away, dinner time is busier for the eating establishments than lunch. Don’t worry about them, I’m sure they were busy enough for their staffs.

Wine sales are interesting when the suns shines and it’s warm outside. As you might suspect, red wine sales slow down quite a bit and Rose’ and white wine sales go through the roof. As for myself, I was glad to see Rose’ fly out the door. I have plenty of it at the store in anticipation of Rose’ season. It took awhile for the sun to come out on a consistent basis, but we finally got there. The top categories in white wine sales this year were… Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris and of course, Chardonnay, although Chardonnay brought up the rear.

Rose’ is a funny wine for a couple reasons. Number one, is the idea that it shouldn’t be drunk unless it’s warm outside. Really? I’m not kidding you. If it’s not warm, Rose’ comes to a stop. Now, to be fair, there are people like me who don’t give a rat’s ass what the weathers like. We drink Rose’ year-round. Number two. If Rose’ isn’t a light salmon color, it doesn’t sell as well. This is interesting, because some of the best Rose’ out there is darker in color. Rose’ from Tavel or Bandol tend to be a darker hue. It could be that they are a bit more expensive than many of the others, but let me tell you that they are more complex, they are dry and they are simply memorable in most cases. If you are one of those people that insists that your Rose’ has to be light in color, I challenge you to at least give one of the aforementioned Rose’s a try. You might disagree with me, but that’s okay. At least you won’t be in the dark about darker Rose’.

I’m working on an article about Rose’ and putting out a YouTube video featuring some of my personal go-to Rose’s for this year. Make sure to check it out, it should be available to watch soon. Also on my channel “Stan The Wine Man TV” I’ve been doing a series on the top-selling wines under twenty bucks in each category of wines. For instance, I’ve covered Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Zinfandel and Pinot Noir. It’s very interesting for me to see what it is about a wine that brings people back for more. Check them out if you get a chance.


Stan The Wine Man

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