Washington Wine Month is just about here! We have one of the best wine-producing regions in the United States, hands down. I say this not because I live here but because it is well-known. The diversity and quality of wine made in Washington State is appreciated by many worldwide. Although I’m not a huge points guy, Washington State wine receives some serious scores from wine critics, and the prices are quite a bit less than those in our biggest wine-producing state…California, which also garners some serious scores from wine critics. The big difference between the two states is price. The top-scoring wines from California are typically close to twice the price of the top-scoring wines from Washington. Sometimes, it’s three times the price. We are fortunate to live here amongst such great wines.

During March, most of my episodes on my YouTube channel will focus on Washington wines. It will be fun to discover some of the great wines from the state. I’ll start with red blends since it is such a hot category. The cool part is that I will be able to find a lot of well-made wines under twenty bucks. That is super exciting for me! However, there is one varietal that will not make it on my channel in March. Do you know which one? That would be Pinot Noir. Yes, there are a few producers out there, such as Savage Grace, that can make good Pinot Noir. However, they are few and far between. I have tried quite a few and most should not have made it in the bottle. Just Saying. The one region where we may see some good Pinot is from the Columbia Gorge AVA, where Savage Grace resides. It makes sense since it is very close to the great Pinot-producing state…Oregon. However, I find it interesting how winemakers are drawn to the challenge of making Pinot Noir, which is known to be a tricky grape to deal with. All that aside, make sure you check out my reviews of Washington State wines on Stan The Wine Man TV during March.

I’m still intent on tackling the issue of declining wine sales in the U.S. and many other countries. My goal is to keep young people interested in wine. How can I and others do that? We must come to grips with the fact that one, they do not have a lot of discretionary income and two, they may feel intimidated by the wine world. Movies like Somm are focused on the intricacies of wine and how difficult it is to understand this most interesting subject. As wine writers and YouTubers, we need to dumb it down a bit. Understanding what’s in your glass is not rocket science. It can be, of course, but to attract the new wine drinker, we need to appeal to their desire to buy a good wine at a reasonable price. Their appreciation for the story behind the wine and what they should be looking for in a certain varietal will come later. The subject of wine can go into the geek zone for sure. Enjoying wine does not have to be geeky. I have so many thoughts on this subject and am working on an article addressing this issue. It’s in the works and will be out soon.


Stan The Wine Man

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I can’t believe it has been so long since I posted anything on this blog. What’s wrong with me? Believe it or not, I have loads of information to share with all of you. I love to write, so it’s about time I get busy doing just that.

I’m about to change my studio for my YouTube channel once again. This will be studio number six if you need to know. I have been shooting episodes in a barn/shop loft just down the driveway from my house. I’ve got my bar in the back of the garage, and it’s time for me to start filming there. I think it will be fun for my audience to follow along as I prepare the studio in stages. It’s a little rough right now, but I have some ideas about what to do with the background. It will be a process, but having my studio closer to where I live will be better. It will help me to be more consistent with episodes. It takes some time for me to haul things down to the shop, climb the stairs to the loft and get things set up for a shoot. If you remember, I shot several episodes in a garage about nine years ago. Tempus Fugit!

We are fast approaching March, the original Washington Wine Month. I, of course, support this and will be reviewing a number of Washington Wines on my channel. At some point, they threw in August as an additional WA Wine Month. I really believe one is enough, don’t you? At any rate, it’s always interesting to find gems from our great wine-producing state. With the studio being easily accessible, I should be able to get a few more episodes out there in March.

I will begin working on an article about the recent downward trend in wine consumption in the United States and other countries. I believe that this trend can be reversed if we understand why it is happening. I have deep feelings about why this is happening, especially with the younger crowd. We all know the ready-to-drink cocktail and hard seltzer categories have taken a chunk of wine sales. However, there are other reasons that I would like to elaborate on in the article.

I really appreciate all of you who continue to follow me despite my lack of content lately. My YouTube channel continues to grow, and I get new subscribers each month to this blog. Thanks for your support, I promise to make it worth your while. Recently, I uploaded an episode featuring a blind tasting, pitting old-world GSM blends against new-world GSM blends. It’s interesting to see which came out on top. I also put out an episode featuring Malbec from Argentina. I’ve noticed a decline in sales of Malbec and address that issue in this episode. My next episode will be shot in the garage studio (in its rough stage), where I will review wines made from the Corvina grape. This grape shines in northeast Italy and is one of the main components of the famous Amarone wines that come out of this part of Italy. I hope you can check it out and follow me as I turn my studio into what I want it to be. I have some ideas and will start on them immediately. It will be a fun and challenging endeavor.

Recently, I got shingles, something I’ve never experienced before. Because of this, Susie thought we needed to go away and relax in the sun. The shingles have gone away, but one thing that can cause them is stress. With all the things I try to accomplish, stress is bound to rear its ugly head. I am thankful to have Susie in my life; she looks out for me. We will soon be off to a sunny location to enjoy some serious relaxation. It won’t be a long trip, but it should do the trick. No more shingles please.


Stan The Wine Man

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Well, 2025 is just two days away! What does it have in store for us? A lot of what happens this coming year, in some ways, depends on us. What are your plans for 2025? I usually come up with ideas I would like to implement for the coming year. Of course, they include things like… How can I improve my YouTube content? How can I improve this blog? Also, I always try to expand my knowledge of the wine world. Without goals, it is challenging to stay focused. I believe that in 2025, it will be important for me to follow through with the goals mentioned above, and I intend to do just that. I really want to expand my knowledge of wine this coming year. I know many of my friends would say that I know quite a bit, which is true. However, there is a lot I don’t know, and I would like to fill in some of those gaps. It will be good for my YouTube Channel, my writing, and many of the events I have planned for 2025.

I appreciate it when my friends stop by the store to give me input on my YouTube channel. John stopped by a few days ago and complimented me on my content. He also mentioned that it would benefit me to work on my studio setting. I totally agree with him, and it has inspired me to take some time and make some improvements. My wife mentioned getting a green screen for a backdrop. I’ll do some research on that. My setting is a barn loft that is pretty nice. However, there are some metal racks that could be moved out of the background, or at least I could put a picture up behind me. Let me know if you have any other ideas in this regard. It is one of my goals for early in the coming year.

One of my greatest pleasures is helping the people I come in contact with experiment with their wine purchasing so they can expand their palate horizons. There are so many cool wines out there to try, and I believe we are missing out if we don’t try new things. As an example, I have a Vranac (a grape varietal) from Macedonia displayed in my department. To be honest, I understand the hesitation of my customers. I mean, what the hell is Vranac? I have tasting notes on the wine to guide customers in deciding whether or not to make this purchase. The best part? It’s not very expensive! If I want to lure someone into trying something new, I certainly don’t want them to spend a lot of money to experiment. I believe it’s around thirteen bucks. I think that once they try this wine, they will be pleasantly surprised, and it may embolden them to explore other wines made from interesting and unique grapes. The key to success in helping people to try new and interesting wines is to make sure there is a good return on investment or ROI. For those of you who have perused the wine department where Scott and I do our thing, you know there are many opportunities to purchase unusual wines without spending a lot of money. That is key to helping people become both knowledgeable and well-rounded in their wine consumption. Make that one of your goals for 2025.


Stan The Wine Man

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2024 has been a very eventful year. Thanks to all of you, I hit the milestone of one thousand subscribers to my YouTube channel, which continues to grow. On the business side of things, two wine distributors went out of business and one was just recently bought by another distributor. I now have three less to work with. That can be a good thing from my point of view as long as I can locate some of the brands that were handled by those now-defunct businesses. On the flipside, I feel bad for some of my friends who had to find another job. Most have landed in a good place, which I’m thankful for. Susie and I traveled to Crete in October and we talk about going back there at some point in the future. It was such a fantastic place to visit. The food, wine and scenery are amazing. Greek salad has become a staple for us at dinner since we got back.

I will write an article soon on the state of affairs in wine over the past year. Wine consumption is down in the U.S., as well as in other countries. I have a few ideas as to why this is happening. Just a sneak peek into what I’m ruminating on. Some of the well-known wine periodicals have come out with their top wines for 2024. I’ve noticed that many of the wines on those lists, fall in the eighty to one-hundred dollar range. It’s hard to appeal to possible future wine drinkers when you’re talking that kind of money. I really think that wineries have to be careful not to depend so much on the Ivory Tower critics to promote their wines. I have other thoughts that I would like to dive into on a deeper level. Stay tuned!

I recently released an episode on my YouTube channel that features my top five picks in red wine for 2024, which are under fifteen bucks. It’s worth checking out. I decided to do this episode and picked the wines I would feature. I was surprised that it only took me about ten minutes to choose them. All the wines in this episode have been my go-to reds throughout the year. I’ve recommended them to many of my customers, who have all come back for more. I love finding wines that deliver and are excellent values. Don’t get me wrong; I know there are a lot of wines out there for more money that are special. However, most of us want wine we can purchase for a meal that doesn’t break the bank, especially the younger crowd that has not yet accumulated much discretionary income. This is the group I would like to see develop a passion for wine. They will never get there if they can’t afford it.

I hope you all have a great Christmas with your family and friends. If you are looking for a good wine to go with your prime rib, ham, or turkey, look me up and I will help you find something to enhance your meal without having to take out a loan.


Stan The Wine Man

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